Lawsuit to the treasury tribunal against the elders of Lublin province and Lublin kahal on charging the Jews from Kazimierz with the poll tax

The elders from the Jewish community in Kazimierz Dolny (Lejzor, Szmun, Szlom and others) sue the elders of the Lublin province (Jakub, Józef and Abram) and the elders of the Lublin kahal to the treasury tribunal in Radom over the fact that, contrary to the previous fiscal decree and the instrument by the Crown Treasurer, in their distribution (dyspartyment), they wrongly charged the Jews of Kazimierz Dolny (on the Vistula) with the poll tax.
Archive: The State Archive in Lublin
Fond: Lublin castle court files (Księgi grodzkie lubelskie)
Reference Number: APL, CLRMO 298, s. 575rv; CLRMO 300, s. 372rv
Language: Latin
Creation Date: 04.05.1746
Place of origin: Radom
Geographical names: Kazimierz Dolny, Lublin, Radom
Surnames: Abram, Jakub, Józef, Lejzor, Szloma, Szmun
The account of the submission of the lawsuit was given by the bailiff, Antoni Borowicz, and its copy was delivered on the 4th May 1746, to the house of the Jew, Szaja, an elder of Lublin. Presumably, the lawsuit was addressed imprecisely because it was submitted against the elder Lublin province, Józef Senderowicz, a rabbi of Opole and Jakub Abramowicz a rabbi from Zwoleń.